Why Everyone Needs Boat Dock Bumpers
Perhaps not EVERYONE, but chances are if you own a boat on any inland lake you definitely are going to need dock bumpers at some time. The reason for this is simple, most boats are fiberglass and most boat dock posts are steel. Therefore, if you do not have some type of cushioning or boat dock bumper to slow your boat down as it enters the slip, you are going to have problem. Metal and fiberglass do not mix. WhamGuard’s patent pending, rotating boat dock bumpers that finally address this problem with a great product at a great price.
Best Boat Dock Bumpers
Until recently, there were not a lot of options available if you wanted something to protect your boat and the dock post. Vertical boat dock rollers are made out of polyethylene oil field piping (says so right on the product in teeny-tiny print). The most common vertical boat dock bumpers are made with oversized yellow PVC pipe. They are heavy, awkward and cover way too much area. In addition, vertical boat dock rollers are usually centered to take a blow in that area and the boat actually strikes the roller at the weakest point. In addition, they don’t really “roll” with the boat. At least, not all the time. This causes the roller to eventually warp, sometimes twist or flat out break. Vertical boat dock rollers are expensive, and really not effective. It’s one of those things that look like it SHOULD work, but in practice really doesn’t
Making Better Bumpers
WhamGuard’s owner and inventor of the rotating bumpers spent over a decades worth of summers working with dock owners and boat owners. He heard over and over their stress and laments over not having an effective way to protect their boats when launching or docking. It’s a stressful way to start or end the day if you are worried about the boat or dock being damaged. However, when customers asked him for a solution, he really didn’t have one. So, he got to work developing a boat dock bumpers that were lightweight, durable and looked great. Another equally important goal for Wes was affordability. Often times two will do the trick and a set only costs around $250.
How They Work
WhamGuard Rotating Boat Dock Bumpers are a 13.5″ x 13.5″ sphere set on a center bumper, allowing it to freely spin as it is struck by an incoming or outgoing boat. The most likely point of contact is the widest part of the sphere. This keeps the boat off the boat dock post. Depending on where the bumper is placed, this keeps the boat off the dreaded corner as well. WhamGuard Rotating Boat Dock Bumpers are available at dealers on Grand Lake O’ the Cherokees, Skiatook Lake, Tenkiller Lake and Lake of the Ozarks. To find a dealer or become a dealer call 918-416-1600 for more information. Don’t slam hard. Get WhamGuard!